Carroll Consulting



Salary observations in the legal sector

Salary observations in the legal sector

The COVID pandemic has surprised us all in many ways. Lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing and working from home arrangements are now permanently inserted into our way of life. There is no denying the devastating impact lockdowns have had on small businesses and...

Unconscious bias when hiring

‘I need someone in their late 20’s or 30’s with 40 years’ experience and wants the salary of a graduate’. It’s always interesting coming into a recruitment exercise when the employer has a very clear idea of what they are looking for in their desired candidate....

Meaningful employment – when the money isn’t everything

Roles in the not-for-profit (NFP) sector are on the rise, and interestingly, we are seeing increasing interest from candidates from other industries when we advertise for new positions. Many candidates are looking for more purpose and meaning from their work and state...

Ensuring working from home arrangements work for employers

A positive outcome for employees in this new post-COVID-19 world is we are seeing flexible and remote working becoming more common in the workplace. However, while these arrangements can be extremely beneficial for employees looking for better work-life balance, this...

The death of the shortlist

The candidate shortlist is a great idea. It gives the prospective employer the opportunity to compare a range of candidates. But how practical is it in today’s environment? Is it still reasonable to ask three or more highly qualified candidates on your shortlist to...

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