Carroll Consulting

Recruitment ghosting

Many people who have explored the world of Internet dating in the past would be familiar with the term “ghosting”, when someone you have been having regular communication with suddenly ends all contact with no explanation or even a goodbye. What’s interesting in the recruitment space is we are now seeing similar disappearing acts from both candidates and employers alike. It could be that an enthusiastic candidate who seemed eager for a role stops responding to correspondence, or an employer who verbally offered a potential employee a job fails to send the employment contract as promised or cancels the role and doesn’t notify the other parties. In both cases, the employer and the candidate have been ghosted. In the age of instant communication, ghosting can be a harsh and abrupt way to avoid difficult conversations when minds are changed or organisational circumstances shift. ‘

In this BBC Worklife article, Why workers and employers are ghosting each other, the 2022 Greenhouse Candidate Experience Report is referenced. After surveying more than 1500 global employees and job seekers, it was revealed 75 per cent of jobseekers had been ghosted by a company after a job interview. Not the most favourable statistic! This article references a recent LinkedIn poll, which revealed “95 per cent of recruiters say they’ve experienced ghosting and a full 40 per cent of candidates believe it’s reasonable to ghost an employer”. What is it that makes good people suddenly ghost and how can we avoid it?

Reasons for ghosting

This article attributes the rise in ghosting as a symptom of the current hiring market, with “managers struggling to fill vacancies and skilled candidates fielding multiple job offers. Some job seekers aren’t worried about burning a few bridges along the way toward finding a position they really want”. Employees outlined some reasons they ghosted in the same piece:

For a hiring employer, being aware of the common reasons that turn employees away is very helpful to ensure this is not what plays out in your recruitment process.

Ghosting helps uncover undesirable behaviours

Occasional ghosting can actually be a good thing because of what it reveals. As this Guardian article simply explains, ghosting “tells more about a person – and an organisation – than any number of interviews, job references, and employment skills and screening tests”. The reluctance to tell a recruiter about changing circumstances provides invaluable insight about how a candidate generally performs under pressure, and how they would communicate change with customers, suppliers, their fellow employees and other stakeholders if they were actually in the role. Likewise, an organisation that ghosts reveals what their culture is really like, as they fail to live up to their mission statements or core values they promote.

Can we discourage ghosting?

My best advice about how to avoid ghosting is to communicate with your candidates. If you make promises to respond by certain times, honour these commitments, build a friendly rapport, and encourage a situation where a candidate feels they should show you the same courtesy to update you on their employment journey. This article reiterates how to reduce your chances of experiencing ghosting:

The recruitment landscape is constantly changing, and we often find ourselves managing new challenges and adapting to ensure we stay effective. Ghosting is just one of these new hurdles we must be aware of, so we can ensure our engagement with potential employees creates an environment where both parties can be clear on their needs and evolving situations. Fundamentally, good communication with an emphasis on relationship building is key if you wish to overcome ghosting. If there are strategies you would like to discuss to help manage similar issues during your recruitment processes, please get in touch – you won’t be ghosted!

Happy recruiting!

Alexandra Monks

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

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