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The power of values in shaping culture: A focus on Brisbane’s professional services sector
In Brisbane’s competitive landscape, particularly within professional services in areas such as law and accounting, the role of an organisation’s values in shaping culture is paramount. As a consultant deeply immersed in these industries, I've seen first-hand how...
Great Expectations
July 2024 | Culture fit, Recruitment, Job search - Despite the title, this article isn’t about a Charles Dickens novel. It’s instead about communicating and managing expectations when it comes to new recruits. As a hiring manager you have certain expectations when...
Yes, salary is important … but not everything
April 2024 | Culture fit, Recruitment, Job search Yes, salary is important! But if you are in professional services and looking to make your next move, here are some important factors to consider… With rising interest rates, fewer job opportunities and the fear of a...